All of our beautiful labor and birth suites are private rooms decorated in beach cabana décor, with a flat screen TV and a window. You are welcome to have up to three guests with you for support during labor and birth. Healthy children may be considered one of your guests with an adult guest’s primary concern being their welfare. Our labor and birth suites are fully equipped for you to labor, give birth vaginally and recover, all in the same room. Hand held still photography is welcome during labor and birth and handheld video photography is welcome once your baby is born.

Your comfort and quality care are our top priorities. Our staff of nurses, Certified Nurse Midwives and Obstetrician Gynecologists are committed to assisting mom to cope with her labor, whether that is through prepared childbirth methods, using medications or the use of epidural anesthesia. Each labor and birth suite has its own private bathroom and shower.

We are proud to welcome your family with it’s first G.I.F.T. Giving Intimate Family Time. Our G.I.F.T. program allows families to bond uninterrupted with their precious newborn.

A thriving newborn doesn’t need to leave your room and should spend the first “golden” hour or so of life skin-to-skin with you, gazing into your eyes and initiating the first feeding. When your baby is an hour or two old your new family will move up to the third floor to our Family Centered Care postpartum unit for the remainder of your stay.